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Easter 4-day Silent Retreat - Renewal the silence that heals

Easter carries a special calling into the quiet contemplation and the deep well for Renewal Whatever our spiritual tradition, every tradition invites us to come home … to be fully embodied as the Presence we are

This is one of our most well loved retreats each year. We come together

to rest deeply into the space created by a living practice community

to receive the nourishment and the deep wisdom of Dharma

to BE … simply and profoundly held by the nature that is Dharma Gaia

to open to release all stress, fear, anxiety, grasping and rejecting

to open to Wellbeing, stability and clear seeing

to Renew ….

this is the gift of Easter and the offering of the Dharma Gaia Community of Presence

we have the experience and the trust in these longer silent retreats to support you to cultivate the peace and joy of a still mind and an open heart

We will weave seamlessly through periods of formal practice, informal contemplation, inquiry sessions offered by Sister Shalom, and natural everyday activity grounded in insight, resting and listening honestly to our inner calling

Simply being on retreat here will help you to gently turn towards your own experience.  This is where we can investigate our ideas and beliefs and see how they are expanding or contracting our experience of ourselves and the world.    We turn towards our true experience because it is right here that the transformation happens. In the vast space of the present moment.

For some of us this retreat will be a time to come home to the oneness of this body, this mind, this heart and to experience a deeper sense of wholeness and well-being.  Others may be called to  investigate further - into the true nature of oneness beyond the concept of ‘separate self’ 

Supported by wonderful conditions, resting into the community of Mindful Living, the grace of nature and the tranquillity of silence we allow ourselves the gift to simply arrive. To arrive home to ‘Being’

Retreat Cost:

$450 - $375 for food and accommodation (sliding scale, please pay according to your financial capacity) plus please offer   DANA for the teachers (see notes below)

TO CONFIRM YOUR BOOKING please make payment into: 03-0458-0013241-000 If you have not attended a retreat at Dharma Gaia before please make a tentative booking to hold a space and write to us to inform the teacher of your desire to participate.

Please confirm your payment with an email to and indicate in the email if this is your first retreat with us.

Dana for the Teacher and Teachings. In line with the Buddhist tradition that inspired our teachers to train and practice for the sake of all beings, our Teaching is offered on the basis of Dana - generosity and mutual support. Please offer your Dana for the teachings into this DANA ACCOUNT -03 0458 0238459 000 (or offered into the Dana bowl at the time of the retreat)  Dana - donation payments are tax-deductible so must be referenced as Dana or Donation. You can find more information here. When making a Dana payment via Internet banking, Please include ‘Teacher’s Dana’ in the reference field.

How to register:

Places on this retreat are limited and often fill quickly. We welcome your early registration by emailing us your details to - subject line SILENT RETREAT.  Confirmation of a place on the retreat will be subject to acceptance, followed by full payment of retreat fee.

How to arrive:

Please plan your journey to Dharma Gaia with an awareness of time and allow spaciousness. We invite you to practice traveling and arriving in mindfulness, knowing that this will support an easeful retreat for yourself and others. We suggest you arrive between 2.30 and 4pm and on arrival enjoy three mindful breaths. If it is your first time to the Centre, please arrive early enough to be settled in your accommodation and ready for your orientation session at 5pm. On arrival please make your way to the foyer where you will be greeted by one of our residents,


When we prepare for a retreat each one of you counts and is counted in the number of beds that are available and the amount of food that is cooked. As we are often booked out quite quickly, a late cancellation can prevent someone else from joining us.

In the event of a cancellation up to 10 days prior to the starting date of the retreat, we can offer a 75% refund or the funds can be carried over to your next retreat.  

However, a cancellation within 10 days of the retreat starting date is non-refundable.

We write this in light of goodwill and in the understanding that life being life, things may change at the very last minute. Please, contact us to share/explain your circumstances.

March 24


April 21