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TRANSCENDING THE DUALISTIC MIND - through the three doors of liberation

‘ I am me and you are you ‘ this is the greatest lie we live and suffer from every day.

It causes the illness of isolation loneliness selfishness and competitiveness

YOU ARE NOT A SEPARATE SELF  does not mean you do not exist it means quite the opposite.

 The three doors of Liberation are positive and powerful teachings we can understand and meditate on.  To harvest the deepest fruits from these teachings we have to experience them and this is not difficult when we put our attention to them in our everyday life. Everyday life is not separate from Liberation - it is the very place we discover and live it

This quiet and gentle three-day retreat will focus us on experimenting with the wisdom of the teachings. We will rest deeply into the natural beauty of Dharma Gaia and the contemplative programme of calming the mind, insight (deep looking) inquiry and meditative activity,

 We will weave seamlessly through periods of formal practice, informal contemplation, natural everyday activity grounded in insight, resting and listening to our inner calling …

Inspiration and insight will manifest within the safe container of the stable community of practice. 

The schedule will offer meditation, Tai Chi, mindfulness, Inquiry and deep relaxation.'

This retreat is offered by Sister Shalom, supported by the Dharma Gaia Community of Mindful Living

Retreat Cost:

$350-$300 (please pay according to your financial capacity)   +  DANA - see below

TO CONFIRM YOUR BOOKING please make payment into:

Account Number 03-0458-0013241-000

Please confirm your payment with an email to and indicate in the email if this is your first retreat with us.

Offering Dana for the Teacher's and Teachings can be paid into - 03 0458 0238459 000 (or offered into the Dana bowl at the time of the retreat)  Dana - donation payments are tax deductible so must be referenced as Dana or Donation . You can find more information here.

When making a Dana payment via internet banking, Please include ‘Teacher’s Dana’ in the reference field.



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STOPPING & CALMING- A practice of True Love

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