This year Dharma Gaia celebrates the 21 day retreat with three retreats in one. We are focussing our practice on how we manifest the three jewels - Buddha Dharma Sangha - in our everyday life.
There is a profound opening to insight and wellbeing that a longer retreat offers in a way that others do not. As we settle more deeply into ourselves, the peace of the practice, the community and the beauty of the environment, .we enable a natural unfolding of tranquility, concentration, and insight.
Throughout the 21 days we will have the steady heartbeat of the gentle practices of the Plum Village tradition. We will be nourished by the regular practices of sitting, walking, eating meditations, Dharma talks and Dharma sharing. This retreat will also include yoga, deep relaxation and other body practices., and time for rest, quiet and contemplation. The experience of a strong community of practice and the deep nourishment of the natural environment is the ground of our 21 days together.
We hope as many people as possible will attend for the full retreat however we realise that it is not always possible to give ones self the gift of a 21 day retreat. We have designed the retreat so that each of the three weeks have a separate focus. As bookings and space permit we can offer the following options:
If you can only do 1 week - you are welcome to register just for the first Week July 1-7th.
If you are able to do 2 weeks you can choose to do week 1 and 2,, or weeks 2 and 3 or even to do weeks 1 and 3.
PLEASE NOTE: Arrival and departure dates are only possible on: Monday 1 July, or on Sundays 7, 14 and 21. . No arrival or departures on other days please so that we can keep the continuity of practice and rest for everyone.
The focus of each week is as follows:
WEEK 1: EMPOWERMENT THROUGH SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP - THE SANGHA BREATHING IN - Filling our lungs with pure countryside air … filling our being with support and nourishment
Our Theme : Taking in and offering each other the deep companionship and joy of community - Sangha. Each of us can contemplate how we can be empowered and empower others through our relationship with Sangha .
The Buddha praised spiritual friendship as one of the most important aspects of the spiritual life. Thich Nhat Hanh , as well as many other enlightened teachers of today speak of the next great awakening for humankind manifesting not through one enlightened being but through the awakened living of a whole community.
In our tradition we treasure the spiritual community - the Sangha for our support and enrichment. We take time to enjoy and grow our connections and explore the power of ‘Sangha’ in the Plum Village tradition and what that means for us in todays world.
We practice and we play. We rest and nourish ourselves in nature and togetherness.
Our Theme: Exploration of the Dharma - the Spiritual teachings exploring the aspects that are relevant and immediately useful on a personal practice basis.
Taking the joy and community energy from week one into ourselves and using that as a base for quiet personal contemplation and discovery.
In this week our schedule will be lighter with more quiet and time to reflect and be supported individually and in smaller groups. Each retreatant takes the opportunity to look at what aspects of the Dharma you personally want time and support to deepen? This will not be the same for everyone. The formal practice sessions and small group Dharma sharings will support your individual exploration, insight and inspiration. The Dharma Teachers will offer private sessions for individuals and small group work to give our practice a boost and enable personal focus and support.
Our theme: i nourish the Buddha and the Boddhisatva in me.
What does it mean for us to be a Buddha?
How can I … we … bring the Buddha into the 21st century and practice in the way of Awakened Being.?
Thay has often said …’ One Buddha is not enough’ He has also called upon us to be the next Buddha the Buddha of Love. That the next Buddha will come not as an individual but as a community.’ -
Being a Buddha is a joy not a chore. We know our world needs us to practice. To be stable and peaceful in ourselves and to bring that stability, peace and our collective insight into our relationships with ourselves, with each other, our planet.
So in week three we have this opportunity to culminate the energies of outward connection and inward reflection to enable each of us to explore our life as Buddha and Bodhisatva of the 21st century.
We hope you can join us for the whole 21 day retreat.
THE TEACHERS: Dharma Gaia is happy to share that out three New Zealand Dharma Teachers - Sister Pho Nghiem (Shalom), Anton Bank and Caitlin Bush - will be supporting this retreat and offering teachings and practice interviews
To register for the full 21 days or for 1 or 2 weeks please email with the sublect line ‘21 DAY RETREAT 2019’
PAYMENT DETAILS: RETREAT COST: plus (dana support for the Teachings - see below Retreat cost)
Full 21 Day Retreat $900 - $750, (Sliding scale)
For one week $450 - $350 (this is only available for week 1)
For two weeks only $650 - $550 ( please ensure you state in your registration if you wish to attend weeks 1 and 2 OR weeks 2 and 3 OR weeks 1 and 3)
Account number 03 0458 0238459 000
Please make two separate payments (with reference) for the retreat cost and for Dana/gratitude for the teaching .
Our teachers devote much of their time to study and practice. They give teachings and support without receiving payment or wages. The teachers trust in the generosity of the participants to offer a contribution (Dana) in accordance with their means and desire to support the teachers.