Dharma Gaia women's weekend retreats are restful and uplifting. The purpose is to renew ourselves, return to our centre and inspire our spiritual path.
The environment and atmosphere enables nourishment through the gentle beauty of nature, simple wholesome food and the peace and stability of the Mindfulness Community.
Many women return year after year and new women are always welcome. We come together in a safe and spacious way to allow ourselves to simply "Be" in spiritual friendship and to realise our own unfolding wisdom. The teachings offer support to strengthen inner resources, insight, joy and clarity by turning us towards our innate wisdom, our true home'.
This retreat is open to all women who are curious and inspired to bring Mindfulness into every aspect of daily life.
We will focus sessions on sitting meditation, walking, movement, resting in nature and writing. Dharma talks will be offered by Sister Shalom
Cost: Accommodation and Food Sliding scale $160 - 200 plus Dana/Koha for the teacher