The practice of Dana, Generosity

In the giving we receive... 
in the receiving we give...

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Dear Friends,

Dharma Gaia enjoys the simplicity of practicing within the ancient Buddhist context of giving and receiving freely. The traditional term is Dana which means generosity. The practice of generosity manifests in a heart of freedom and when we look deeply we know that the door of generosity swings both ways. We are not separate from those we support, we are not separate from those who contribute to our life of service.

Our teachers are committed to study practice and serve without the expectation of a salary or set wages. This is the practice of generosity and they depend upon us for their support in the form of offering them financial contributions according to our own hearts and capacity.

 If you are in a position to offer a monetary contribution to support our teachers, we deeply appreciate your support. We are contained within a Charitable Trust which is able to offer receipts for tax purposes. Payments for the centre or for our Dharma teachers can be made online or at any Westpac Branch into the following account.

ACCOUNT NUMBER - FOR DANA IS: 03-0458-0238459-000, please include the reference ‘ Centre Dana’ or ‘Dana for teachers’.

If you would like a donation receipt for tax purposes, please contact our office after making your donation and give us your details. 

with gratitude,

The Dharma Gaia Guardians