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Welcome To Dharma Gaia

The greatest gift you can offer to anyone is your True Presence.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

Welcome to Dharma Gaia …a manifestation in physical form of the practice of Presence

If you look at the pictures on this website you might be caught in the images and then the ‘ideas’ of what Dharma Gaia is. The physical manifestation is indeed truly wonderful. It has evolved simply and gently over more than 20 years and it is a great invitation to all to return to the depth of Presence … to return to our true home, Our True Home is indeed as wonderous as this physical manifestation is.


The beauty and wonder of this living centre has come through the deep teachings and practices transmitted from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Everything encourages us to cultivate those understandings in our everyday lives rather than the study and accumulation of theory. Dharma Gaia is not a ‘Buddhist Centre” (if you understand Thich Nhat Hanh’s transmission you will also know that it is not ‘Not a Buddhist Centre) Dharma Gaia is not even a venue - and yet you can come here to stay and to cultivate wisdom and compassion.. Some of us have lived ‘here’ for more than 20 years and we know that the physical manifestation is nothing concrete permanent or even dependable. It is simply an external manifestation of years of living practice.

It is true you can learn and find support through conceptual teaching here … some words, traditional practices, forms and formalities. These are all skillful guiding means. but they are not the true essence of what you can find here.


Our real teachers here are the land, the garden, the forest, the stream, the peace of the practice community, and all sentient and non-sentient life. If you come here you will recognise that your teacher is also your own body … your mind … your feelings and your perceptions. You will learn to see them very clearly. You will be supported to take great care of these inner teachers and to go beyond the idea that they are your true essence.

Our teachers are the truths of impermanence, Interbeing and presence

Our commitment is to cultivate a calm, clear compassionate consciousness


In the earlier years, retreats and public offerings were the main hub of our work, but in the past 3 years we have been much more involved in offering long term training in the art of Living in Presence. Living together in Mindful Community. is a most powerful and care-ful way to experience and to grow collective awakening.

Sister Shalom is the Spiritual Director of Dharma Gaia, She is joined by long term practitioner and practice Guardian Seonaid Espenier and the residential sangha. Behind the residents we acknowledge many beloved local, national and international practitioners and supporters who offer material and spiritual support. We also acknowledge the many retreatants and volunteers who join the community in service and practice

We acknowledge too the Tangata Whenua iwi Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Whanaunga, and Ngāti Maru. and all the countless ancestral protectors of this precious land.



Commemorating Thich Nhat Hanh 1926 -2022

A Cloud Never Dies

Please click the link and enjoy meeting Thay in the present moment

smiling with deep gratitude …. walking together in the ultimate dimension


“We don't have to go anywhere to obtain the truth.
We only need to be still and things will
reveal themselves in the clear water of our consciousness.”